The Troy Show ends February with a very inspiring past episode. Lindsay Frucci was a mother determined to change her life. She loved brownies, and was determined to sell and manufacture her beloved treats. Lindsay created No Pudge Brownies a low fat, home brownie mix. Problem was with no business experience would people take her seriously? Lindsay joined us to share her amazing story.

Lindsay's best selling Book is available on Amazon.Com

Click HERE to listen to The Troy Show Monday, February 25th  and Wednesday, February 27th at 6/5c pm.

Kevin Olusola from the group Pentatonix stops by this week on a brand new Troy Show. Kevin is the beatboxer of the group. After wining the Sing Off on NBC, the group has catapulted to worldwide fame. With over 50 million views on YouTube and a rabid fan base, the group is currently on tour. Pentatonix will be stopping by the Milwaukee area on March 3rd at the Pabst theater. I talked to Kevin about the groups amazing journey, and the brand new concert experience that only Pentatonix can deliver.

Take a listen to the groups Swedish House Mafia Mashup below.

Check this out on Chirbit


Valentines Day is more than just an excuse to buy candy for those you love, its an opportunity to love yourself. Kathy Andersen gives us a helpful guide to do just that in her latest blog post for The Troy Show.

This Valentine’s Day, Be Your Most Cherished Valentine!

This Card is For You!

            “The secret to my own happiness, my own good future, is within my own hands. 
I must not miss that opportunity!” are the inspired words of the Dalai Lama.
            Likewise, the secret to our own love is within our hands. This Valentine’s Day, take the love that is within your hands, and cherish yourself among all others.
            Why? For the same reason you are instructed during a plane’s safety briefing to place the oxygen mask first on yourself, then on another. Love is the oxygen of your life. Without first filling yourself with your own love, you cannot authentically give love. Most importantly, you cannot attract the authentic love that will take you to your greatest heights!
            So how, on this Valentine’s Day, can you take some steps to be your most cherished Valentine?

1.   Write Yourself a Valentine’s Card!
This sounds simple enough, but just like writing a heartfelt Hallmark to the love in your life, writing an authentic love letter to yourself takes a little time, a lot of honesty, and a world of courage. Are you daring enough to proclaim your love for yourself? Start here!

My Valentine’s Card to Me:

To my most cherished and loved [Your Name Here],

You are the love of my life.
No-one knows the depths of me as you do.
No-one feels the passions that lie within as you do.
No-one sees me naked as you do.
No-one longs for me to emerge from a tiny seed to infinite beauty as you do.
No-one wishes for me to have abundance, love, and happiness as you do.

The ten things I cherish and love about you are:

[Make your list of ten things].

Today and every day, I will love and honor you by bringing one of the things I love about you into my day.

I will celebrate you.
I will hold you.
I will smile at you.
I will be kind and gentle to you.
I will look into your eyes and tell you how much I love all that you are.
I will speak to you and encourage you to chase your dreams and become all you are here to be.

2.  Make a Love Commitment to You. You Deserve It!
            For each of the the ten things you cherish and love about yourself, list at least one thing you can do in your day to bring that one thing into your life, and show your love for you.
            Commit to making just one act of love to yourself each day for 30 days, and you will have created a habit that you will never want to break!
            Why? Just like the need others in your life have to feel your love—a friend, a family member, your children, your spouse, your partner— “you,” more than anyone, need to feel your love for you. You are a child of the universe, a seed of God, a divine being. Who is more deserving of your love?
“You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection,” said the Buddha.
3.  Share Your Love With The One You Love!
            Create the time on Valentine’s Day to “pause” and share the ten things you love about yourself with your partner, spouse, or even your best friend. And, make it a two-way affair! Have your partner do the same, and you will give each other one of the greatest gifts of love—the mutual sharing of the most precious things within each of you.    
            Just as important, share the ways you will bring each of the things you love about you into your life every day.
4.  Make A Love Commitment to Each Other!
            Commit to helping each other bring the things you love into your lives every day. Be an accountability partner for the love of your life, and for the love you want to bring into your life.
            Exchange your “love lists” with your accountability partner and check in with each other each day—perhaps in the morning, during the day, or at the end of your day. You must choose to “pause” and create the space for you, for the love you have, and the love you desire.
5.  Complete Yourself!
            We often speak of our partners and those we love as “completing us.” Yet, we are the only ones who can act to complete ourselves.
            Our partners, best friends, and those we most love can support us as we journey to be “complete,” to love ourselves, to bring our gifts of love into the world, and to manifest in our lives all that we are here to create through our being. We must choose to leap into the journey. We must act to take each step. We must fill our shoes with the love that will fuel our journey.
            Each day, keep taking just one step. Each day, know that within you is all you need to create all you desire around you.    
            Each day, choose to be your most cherished and loved Valentine, and become your most complete!
“Love is the greatest refreshment in life.” 
Pablo Picasso

© 2013 Kathy Andersen. All Rights Reserved.

It is indeed the time for love! Our amazing life and transformation expert Kathy Andersen joins us again to help us learn how to love ourselves and then attract the perfect soul mate  Kathy also says that in order to have a happy marriage you have to reveal ALL your secrets  Could you do that? Find out how on a love filled Troy Show.

Click HERE to listen to the show on Monday, February 11th and Wednesday, February 13th at 6/5c pm.

Kathy's new book "Change Your Shoes, Live Your Greatest Life" is available online at 

The Lady Bugs are gaining in popularity. Their show "Meet the LadyBugs" on Blip.TV is a hit. But with songs like "Ritalin is a Gateway Drug" and "Don't Commit Suicide" many parents are wanting to kill the bugs. I invited the show’s creator Dorthy Wallace on the program to talk about the controversy. Are the LadyBugs appropriate for children? You Be the judge. Watch their video, "The Creepy Man"

Click HERE to tune into the interview on Monday, February 4th and Wednesday, February 6th at 6/5c PM.

With the annual Consumer Electronics Show just wrapping up a lot of you wanted to know what the biggest toys and tech were. I recently sat down with Carol Mangis from Consumer Reports Magazines and we talked about the latest technology shaping your world. It was one of our most Popular episodes and we are re-airing it just for you.

Click HERE to tune into The Troy Show Monday, January 28th and Wednesday, January 30th at 6/5c Pm

Have you ever wanted to go behind the scenes of a Troy Show Episode? Here's your chance... Here are some extras from my taping with  Days of our Lives actress Gloria Loring.

Tune in to the COMPLETE episode HERE on Monday, January 21st and Wednesday, January 23rd at 6/5c pm on the audio stream.


You may know her as the ever mischievous Liz Chandler from Days of our Lives or as the mother of R and B Singing sensation Robin Thicke, Her accolades and accomplishments run on a long list folks. Gloria soon found out that emotionally, she was empty. Gloria had to learn to love herself first in her new book. "Coincidence is Gods way of Remaining Anonymous", Gloria Loring recalls the spiritual journey that led her to her best life. Find out how you can turn even the most daunting of dramas into the best time you've ever had.  Join us for an interesting look at daytime drama, and real life perseverance on this brand new Troy Show.

Click HERE to tune in to the audio stream on Monday, January 21st and Wednesday, January 23rd at 6/5c PM Central Time

The Troy Show is honored to have Kathy Andersen write for our blog. Her first entry goes a long with an episode we aired a few weeks back. "New Years Resolutions"..We want YOU to master your life in 2013. Here is your guide...

New Years Resolutions Can Be Your Greatest Way to
Leap into Success!

By:Kathy Andersen

The secret to making and keeping great resolutions is to “pause,” step away from the busyness around you, and ask yourself three questions.

1.  What makes you feel most passionate and purposeful?   

TIP: Allow yourself the freedom and space for your greatest passions and most purposeful pursuits to awaken and rise from the depths of you—those things that fill you with excitement, “goosebumps,” and make you feel your most “alive.”  Don’t hold back—give yourself permission to go wild with your passions! These are often the things that are lost in the busyness that fills our days, and that we put aside as “guilty indulgences,” rather than savor as the essential food that fuels our journey through life.

2.  What is the vision for your life?

TIP: Allow your vision to be inspired by your passions and most purposeful pursuits. What would your ideal life look like if it were driven by your passions and purpose? What would surround you? What activities would fill your days? Where would you be? What would you be creating that you could look back upon and say you have spent your life well and used your gifts to the fullest?

3.  If you think of the backpack you need to carry through life to equip you on the path to your vision, which things do you currently carry that no longer serve you and you can leave behind, and which new things do you need to pack that will most help you on your journey ahead?

TIP: Allow yourself to feel the things that weigh you down in your life and drain you of energy. Write them down and find a way to release them from your life. Allow yourself to crave the things you want to take with you as you journey forward. Write them down and find a way to bring them into your life.

The Key Outcome—Your Resolve:

Reflect on your answers above and ask yourself one final question:

What is the one thing you can do today to step closer to where you want to be?

That simple? Yes, that simple!

Resolve to find just one thing you can do today to incorporate your passion and purpose into your day.
Resolve to find the one thing you can do to step closer to your vision.
Resolve to find the one thing can you do to repack the backpack of your life.

If you can give yourself the gift of a pause each day, and resolve to find just one thing you can do in this day, and gift that to yourself every day, you will transform all that is within you, and and all that manifests around you. The resolutions you create for yourself each day will become your greatest steps to success, and soon enough, you will manifest your greatest life.

Essentials To Keeping Your Resolutions:

1.  Commit to 30 days of “one daily resolve.” Before you know it, you will have created the habit of tapping into the most powerful things within you and bringing them into your life every day!

2.  Don’t allow your focus on outcomes stop you from taking the one step you are compelled to take! Simply allow yourself to follow your instincts and desires. When you take steps guided by your inner compass, you will arrive at the right destination, often beyond the outcome you could have imagined, on the journey to fulfill your vision!

3.  Keep it simple! Your one step each day can be the smallest and simplest next step. Don’t create steps that are too big and overwhelming to take in the day you have. Some days you will feel like leaping mountains—do it! Other days you will feel like taking a baby step—take it! Just take one step. The rest will come.

4.  Think of your day as your most delicious recipe. As you discover steps that you want to keep in every day, make time to keep them in each day! Think of them as the essential ingredients in the recipe of your best day. It may be exercising, eating a healthy breakfast, reading some pages of the next book you want to read, taking a quiet walk—things that bring you peace and solitude, that enable your passions to keep rising, your purpose to be strengthened, and your spirit to be renewed.

5.  Be your best and kindest friend. Treat yourself well. Give yourself a break. Trust all that is within you. Know that you are here to be your best self and to live your greatest life!

Happy New Year!

The stereotypes and stigmas are not true. Despite what you may have heard, Young people are advancing in an ever changing world. Join us for an interesting new segment called "Student Spotlight". Where we feature young people moving mountains to achieve their goals.

First up is student Marcus Jacobs who is originally from Kenosha and now studies in Georgia. His story will give you hope in our future. He shares how students can succeed at whatever they want with his 7 tips. Every parent with a student entering college should hear these tips. Join us for an exciting look at how we can better the world one determined young person at a time.

CLICK HERE to join the audio stream on Monday, January 14th and Wednesday January 16th at 6/5c PM

If you want to be featured in our Student Spotlight Contact Us Today!

Coutesy: www.KathyAndersen.Com
The Troy Show returns after our holiday break with a brand new episode with our resident life and transformation coach, Kathy Andersen. This is the time for New Years Resolutions yet up to 75 percent of us  give up after the first month. The Troy Show is determined to help you master your life in 2013 and make your goals a reality. Kathy shows us how we all can make that one step each day towards success.

Kathy is the author of the Brand New Book. "Change your shoes, Live your Greatest Life." A lucky listener can win a signed copy of one of Troy's Favorite books of the year! Go to and tell us what your New Years Resolutions are and you could win! 

Join the Audio Stream HERE on January 7th and January 9th at 6/5pm Central..