Its easy to get depressed and feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. No matter what you are going through you DESERVE to be happy.

1. Start a new project 

Paint a picture, or fix a problem area in your house. Sometimes all you need to do to get out of a stooper, is to just DO something.

2: Someone has it worse than you 

People in the Philippines, Africa and others have no running water or electricity. Thinking about the blessing you have in compassion will make you happy and blessed.

3:  Create a daily list of goals 

Create a list of goals that you want to accomplish that day. It could be cleaning your kitchen or organizing a bedroom. The sense of accomplishment in itself once you finish should brighten your day.

4: Find the lesson in your unhappiness

Life wants you to learn. That's why things happen so we can grow from them. Ask yourself, What am I to learn from this? By learning the lesson you can begin to change your life and be happier.

5: Appreciate the small things

Did you know that just by reading this your living on earth! What an amazing feat. Cherish the fact that you can read this page! Appreciate the everyday tasks that some take for granted.